Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Old Media Embraces New Media to Survive.

Traditional Media is not making it in it's current form. In order to survive traditional media must adapt and revive it's strategy to new forms of social and consumer generated media.

As radio is losing listeners, and therefore advertisers, it is adapting by streaming media online and supplementing advertising with online ads. So the adage trading analog dollars for digital pennies is the finally coming true. The iPod had a lot to do with that, you no longer had to wait for the radio station to play the song that you wanted to hear, but you had it on demand straight from your digital device. Radio is dying. Streaming media everywhere, Sirius/XM Radio is coming with just about every car on the market, for at least one year. Pandora,, and other streaming radio sources split up by numerous genres are taking over. Many with fewer ads, and some with pay models that allow ad free listening. Talk radio is the only radio format that seems to be translating very well to new media. With sponsors for podcasts, talk radio format has adapted into a new format we now call podcasts. They have exclusive the interview and behind the scenes coverage of the celebrities, politicians, and heads of companies that are available nowhere else. So Radio is making its way onto the web one way or another.

TV is on its last breath. Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV, Boxee, Roku, and Google TV are yet a few of the digital mob set out to kill traditional television. The traditional old media such as NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX are losing ground to these new competitors. They are trying to strike deals with the newcomers but generally they are just to greedy to give up the dollars that they can get from their old business models. Local News which has always been a little on the lower end and lower budget as the market rank got lower are struggling even harder now to find a mix of online and on-air medium that will benefit them monetarily. The car salesmen and car wreck lawyers, and whatever other local businesses that can afford to advertise during the local news are now competing with cellular carries and travel companies for your time, which is the real commodity in the age of information overload.

Magazines are on life support. iPad apps that have the look and the feel of a regular print magazine. Glossy magazines bought on newsstands are combining. For Instance CondéNast took away operations and maintenance of its individual magazine websites from CondéNast. Since then, sites tied to magazines like Glamour, Vanity Fair and Portfolio were run separately from CondéNast the latter oversaw Wired Digital along with portals like and Obviously seeing that printing pulp was no longer as profitable as just publishing online. With the iPad and other tablets emerging, they are just as glossy, but much cheaper to produce.

Newspapers are dead. Really? Doom and gloom makes good headlines but the media is healthier than you might think. Yes they are making it just fine. The digital models of advertising are working, and fine tuning the pay walls are just the beginning of the transformation. The current pay wall models are too complicated to work smoothly and efficiently, but eventually as soon as they can solve the micro payment problem, supplemented by ad views, then they will begin to become a whole new animal. Really the big winners int he print game are the weekly papers. They are actually growing. Local content is now so exclusive, that people are willing to subscribe to both digital copy and a Print copy. Larger papers are just regurgitating reposting AP stories that you have already read on aggregator sites like yahoo or Google news.

Traditional media outlets have embraced new media just in time to stop their freefall. The truth be told, twitter is the fastest media outlet found anywhere in the world, excluding the fail whale appearance. For instance Celebrity deaths, foreign revolts, and earthquake news is reported so fast on twitter that CNN, HLN, MSNBC, and FOX NEWS are just repeating tweets from two hours before. With all of the changes that are now taking place with media it takes a savvy person, and smart people to monitor and make sure that you know what you need to know about what is being said about your company online and in traditional media forms. As in the past there is no one type of media is going to be the messenger for all of the relevant news for you. Multiple forms of media are needed to deliver the news and monitoring these media sources requires outsourcing this to companies such as to make your job easier. Magnolia Clipping and Broadcast Monitoring Services does monitor multiple media monitoring - Print - TV - Radio - Internet - Blogs - Social Media - Media Analysis-Measurement! The goal is to transform this data into information & information into insight.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Multiple services are needed to follow all of the media.

Why Monitoring the Media is getting harder as the types of media are segmenting. With Television, and Radio, Traditional media monitoring services are substantial resources to follow "Old Media". Traditional media monitoring services can follow TV, and Radio, and Newsprint just as well as any other service. These services are usually a regional service that provides service in that part of the country. Regional Service CANNOT be overlooked as they have the most comprehensive list of media that is covered for that area. They are have Hyper-local coverage containing weekly papers, local newscast and local radio coverage that has a very limited reach. So if you are tracking something for that community and need to know the impression that the media is giving in that community, then that is your best shot at getting ALL of the coverage that is available.

So with the advent of twitter and Facebook and many other blogging services, RSS is now becoming a real tool to monitor what can be said in the internet world of media. Google alerts is great to get a huge number of hits about a generic topic, but if you are a State Hospital Association for instance, then the number of hits that are found is intimidating. There are too many hits that are false, and Google alerts does not allow you to track these hits with a limited geography of where they originated.

A combination of traditional media monitoring services, and new media monitoring service, or Traditional monitoring services that now offer internet monitoring is the way to go. You will find that there is some overlap from the printed edition of the newspaper and the online version of the newspaper, but only by about 20%. There are many ads that never make it online and there are many article and blog post that never make it to print. Advertising is a whole different ballgame when you are talking about internet vs print.

Solution: A multifaceted approach for media monitoring is needed in order to monitor everything. You will need to use a Traditional Clipping Service, that can provide clips online in a digital format, Broadcast Monitoring Service that can provide online stats and preview of those clips found, and a Internet Media Monitoring service that is versed in RSS and Feeds and can help you set up alerts for yourself to monitor. Google alerts if good if you have $0 budget, but you will spend more time weeding out false hits and the likelihood of missing something is far greater than if you use a professional service.

Please contact me if you wish to discuss this in any further detail. you can find all of my contact information just about anywhere on the web. I am VIDEODRED or Dred Porter all over the internet. Full Disclosure I own and operate a monitoring service, but we are regional in nature and If I can not provide service for you I will tell you straight up, and can refer you to possible contacts that may be able to help from the national association NACPCS (North American Conference of Press Clipping Bureaus)

Dred P. Porter, Jr.
Magnolia Clipping and Broadcast Monitoring Service
298Commerce Park Dr. Suite A
Ridgeland, MS 39157-2237
Office - 601-856-0911
Cell - 601-946-1207
Google Voice - 601-790-0417 - Magnolia Clips Website Magnolia Portal Demo Video

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Historical Clipping Services

Check out this post found at

These types of services have been around for over 150 years, as good as Google is and as comprehensive as the searches can be, not all of the information that is printed in the newspaper can be found online. A typical example of this is advertisements. Hospitals continue to advertise in the hard copy of the newspaper. So to track these advertisements a newspaper clipping service is necessary to gather all of the media from the print version of the newspaper. Press Clipping Services continue to thrive as online media differs from traditional print media by more that 80%.

Here is a list of all of the Newspaper Clipping Services that continue to operate and belong to an organization called the NACPCS

There are additional services run by The Associated Press, and other state press association, all over the country.